A certificate of clearance is the formal way of providing the green signal, or granting permission to any individual, who has satisfied or cleared the stipulated requirements in respect of anything which has been set by the authority.
A certificate of clearance could be granted in the terms of anything, it may be providing the clearance in the terms of carrying the carriage by the custom department
It may also be in the terms of providing the Visa by the embassy of any country, to any individual who has satisfied all the stipulated tests that have been prescribed by the authority.
In today’s article we are going to describe the certificate of clearance in the terms of several things.
Sample Certificate of Clearance

As we have described above that a certificate is a formal document in the form of certificate which is issues by a particular department or the authority to any person. This certificate of clearance permits the person, as to do any task for which such person had applied for this certificate.
For example if you are carrying a particular goods from one county to the other using the commercial flights then to carry in on board you will need a certificate of clearance from the authority of the airport.
Below we are providing the sample of this clearance certificate, so that you may have a look over it and get the reference.
Certificate of Clearance Singapore

The certificate of clearance is used and issues in the legal context by many countries and one of those major country is Singapore. If you are planning to visit the Singapore for that, you will obviously need a passport and the visa.
While applying for the Visa the officials of the police will first look at your identity in the context that for what purpose you are planning to visit their country and whether you have any criminal record or not.
Only after such checking they will issue a certificate of clearance to the embassy and then you might be granted the visa to visit the Singapore. This certificate is known as the certificate of Clearance.
CTC Certificate of Clearance
This certificate is known as the certificate of certified traveler counselor. This certificate is issued the travel agent who holds minimum of the 5 years experience in the industry of travel agency, and now wants to grow the career as a professional travel agent worldwide.
After having this certificate of clearance the travel agent gets the credible and the reliable hands from the authority and can assist the tourism community to the great extent in the United States California State
California Certificate of Clearance

This certificate of clearance is issued by the commission to any person who has applied for the teaching credentials and has passed the fingerprint and the identification test which is conducted in the state of California for the teaching purpose.
This certificate of clearance implies that the candidate holds the verification of a complete professional fitness to work as an educator in the state of California
WSIB Certificate of Clearance
This kind of certificate of clearance is issues in the context of the construct contract. This certificate is issued to the contractor who undertakes the work of the construction.
In the United States it is mandatory for any of the sole proprietor or the partnership firm partners, who are working in the construction industry to obtain the certificate of clearance from the WSIB, which stands for the workplace safety and insurance board.
The WSIB works by checking the credibility and the skills of the construction companies and the WSIB also insures the working employee with the minimum wages, if the workers don’t attend the work, due to unavoidable reasons such as the disease or the illness.